Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Monthly Photo Shoot

I am not good at the cutesy things in life. I am not crafty, baking is not fun for me, scrapbook-ing is my nightmare, and writing thank you notes* seems like a chore. That being said, taking monthly pictures of B is important because hopefully someone else will do something cute with them. ::Hint, hint:: Let's face it, it won't be me. 

So each month - somewhere around the 18th, we aren't exact - I begrudgingly get out a white onesie, place the appropriate sticker on his chest, and strategically put him in the same positions as the previous photo shoots. 

Last night, five days late (seriously, how much can he change in 5 days?), we had the most difficult shoot to date. He won't sit still, plus I don't know how to work our fantastic camera. Here are some gems to share. I will use the action setting next time.

"I just want to stand!"

Bright idea: He thinks Toby is hilarious...let's try that. FAIL.

"Oh, look over here at these fun things" -B

"Adam, you are too close." -Ma

Nappy Giraffe was not interesting to the humidifier cord.

Directing the imaginary band.

Goin' down!

So cute...except for the seemingly broken wrist. 

"No, the camera is the other way." - Ma

"Ugh, you people and your pictures." -B

"Lindsey, get out of the way." - Dad

One of the best!

My other favorite.

Chillin' at eight months

*NOTE: I cherish every gift I have gotten and understand the importance of a thank you note. 

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